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Friday, May 9, 2008

Remembering the good o'le days!

In high school I owned a Ford Festiva. I called it my Feisty Festiva because it always gave me trouble. I paid my parents $1000 to have the pleasure of driving it during my teenage years. The money was put towards my college education so I pretty much got the deal of the century. It truly was the perfect vehicle to drive my friends around. I almost got stuck down at the beach when my friends and I decided to ditch. Sorry mom!

I had many experiences with this car. I got in my first wreck, I learned how to use a stick shift and I was the last one in the Roberts family to drive it. I miss my "box on wheels." It had all of the perfect gizmos. I never knew how fast I was going and I didn't know how much gas I had so I had to store a gas tank in my mini trunk, just in case. I don't know about you but I should of won the "best vehicle" in our high school's yearbook. I don't remember who won but their car wasn't as good as mine. Anyone in high school should own a Ford Festiva. Thanks Feisty Festiva for giving me the best years of my life!


Amber said...

My car was a 1986 powder blue Ford Ranger. It was lovingly name the Blue Wonder. It was a very recognizable vehicle. I was a little upset when my parents sold it my freshman year of college without telling me. :(

Kristyn said...

I must apologize to your blog for not paying more attention to it. But hello, when did you start blogging again? For the longest time you were MIA. Well, I am glad to see you are back on the blogging train, and just as funny as ever. You're a riot Emilee! Do you remember when you got married and you kept exclaiming, "I'm a wifey!" I don't know if you remember those awesome lines you said, but I do! I don't know why, but it is still one of the funniest moments in my memory of you. One of the many!

Stephanie said...

The Festiva was amazing!!! Oh we had some good times in that car. If I remember correctly it was Christine that you ditched with??? I remember driving it the the Oak Park parking lot but I couldn't drive it as well as you could.

Mandy said...

I totally remember going to the beach in your Ford festiva!! Good times....