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Thursday, August 21, 2008


I love the Olympics! Last night I watched Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh celebrate their victory of winning the gold medal for the women's beach volleyball. It was such a close game, I was on the edge of the couch. It isn't too hard to keep me interested especially when it is the Olympics. Also, I wanted them to win so bad and I was cheering them on. I was thrilled when they scored the winning game point. I almost cried! Can you believe that? Probably not, if you know me. I'm one emotional woman. Well, I think May and Walsh are a really good team and I'm so glad that they represented the USA well.

As far as the Chinese team, I was a little disappointed. Tian Jia was a little sneaky with her fake medical time outs. I couldn't believe that she would pull such ridiculous stunts just to get some rest time. She was coniving, but a little smart at the same time. I'm really glad that they did not win. I don't think they deserved it.

Did anyone else watch that specific game? Well, I have definitely enjoyed the Olympics especially the swimming, diving, and gymnastics. It is too bad that badminton isn't at a good time. I did get to witness the trampoline event and BMX race. Those events are ridiculous.

I'm looking forward to 2012 when the Olmpics are at Great Britain. We are planning on going so hopefully all will go well and we will be able to be at the event. For now, I'll finish watching on our flat screen. Go USA!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I was up so late watching Misty May and Kerii Walsh. I thought they did a great job! We are loving the Olympics here...can't get enough of them. I agree with you completely the the chinese team was sneaky with the fake medical time out. I am not impressed with China because of all their scandals, especially the "16" year old gymnasts...but like you I love the events and cheer on the USA! How fun you will get to go to England for the games!