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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Year's Goals

So far 2009 has been excellent! The goals that I made in January are being completed. I continue to read new books-about one per week. As for running...this may come to you as a shock but I signed up for the Provo River 1/2 Marathon. It is August 8th and I have started the 13 weeks of training. Yes, I know it is a giant leap but my friends Keri Smith and Emily Fuller have urged me to join them on the "fun" run. Adrian might also join us but we shall see. He hasn't run very much so he doesn't want to injure himself. As for me, I just want to finish the 13.10 miles. It has been a really fun activity for Adrian and I to do together (Quality time with Adrian). We started running together after he bought some running shoes for his birthday (May 5th). Also, this year I am turning 30 (less than a week away) and I can't wait. They say and I don't know who "they" are but your 30's are the best years of your life. Well, it is only going to get better so bring it on. What are some of your goals?


Cerra said...

Hey, I'm thinking of doing that 1/2 marathon too! Hmmm.... Good luck on your training!

Mindy R said...

Good job on reaching your goals! You are an inspiration to all. As for the 1/2 marathon, good luck and just know I support you 200% (crazy). Loved the post!

Noel Dickens said...

So cool! That is awesome you are planning on running a half-marathon. Also, Amber loves your music playlist. Hope things are going well and Happy Birthday Adrian!

Mary said...

Way to go Em! You inspire me.